physical intimacy in marriage

How a Wife’s Emotions Affect Physical Intimacy

A wife’s emotions are most certainly connected to her desire, or lack thereof, in wanting to be intimate with her husband, after all, God did not make us robots and we’re certainly not Stepford wives! Our husbands may say some unkind words that can cause us to want to emotionally withdraw from the relationship, which…
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9 Ways to Keep the Spark Lit in the Bedroom

Today I’m addressing one of my readers questions regarding changes that have taken place to the physical intimacy of their marriage.  I relate to her pain as I’ve lived through my own as a young bride. Dear Jolene, I am dealing with a touchy subject and I am desperate for encouragement. I have been married…
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One Simple Tip to Better Your Marriage in Just One Day

One simple thing. Something that is set apart for just you and your husband. So what is this one thing that I’m talking about? Physical intimacy.  Pretty simple, right? Here’s what you can do so you can be ready to implement this one simple tip: Pretty yourself up, (like you did when you were dating). 🙂…
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Jolene Engle

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