Mighty Women of Valor
If you’re not interested in hearing my heart, knowing about ministry, or being asked for your opinion or help, then don’t bother reading this post. But I think you’ll read on because you’ve joined me in this journey of growing in the Lord. 🙂
This is not my ministry. Yes, I realize I’m the writer behind the blog and the woman who writes books, does videos and podcasts, therefore one would think it’s my ministry, but it’s not. This place belongs solely to the Lord. I pour out here only because of Him.
Some people write blogs because the love to write. That’s not me, friend. And some record videos because the love to be on camera. Nope, I don’t fit into that group either. And some people do podcasts because they love to hear their own voice or maybe they want to become famous?? Again, that’s not why I do it.
And I’m not here to run a blog so I can make money. I do what I do because this is a calling the Lord has placed upon my life. I’m wildly passionate about encouraging and equipping the Christian woman.
Next month will mark 3 years of serving in this ministry and I want to share with you just one thing the Lord has taught me.
Jesus goes before me as I position myself behind Him. He’s the leader and I’m the follower. Now, I would have thought I always had this perspective in my walk with Christ, but I’ve realized it’s being fine tuned here in the ministry. So what this means is I walk more slowly. I’m more patient. What? I’m more patient? Did I just write those words? Those words seem odd for me to type out because if you were to ask me a few years back a little about my personality I’d said I was somewhat like the impetuous Peter. Of course I still have some notes of hastiness running through my DNA, but over all I’m walking here very circumspectly. My ears are turned to my Maker as I wait for the path He wants me to take.
I’m not interested in running ahead of Christ because I need Him to be my Shield and my Guide.
But in order for me to hear Him, I needed to make some changes-like shut down the comments on my site. And then I needed to not write. I knew I couldn’t pour out into you when I couldn’t hear the Lord pouring into me. I needed to clear my head and not think of blog post topics or titles. I just needed to wait and listen for my Lord’s direction.
And in the waiting, He’s revealed a few things to me.
1. I’ve learned as this ministry continues to grow, I need to guard my heart. Fiercely. Which brings me to point number 2.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Prov. 4:23
2. I need to ask the body of Christ for help. By the way, I really stink at asking for help, but I realize I need assistance in this ministry. And I figured out why I’m reluctant to ask for your help.
1. Because I think you’re busy with your own life.
2. Why would you want to help me out and serve here? Yep, those are my insecure thoughts shining through. (If you want to know more about the impact of this ministry, you can read some of the testimonials of God’s work being done here.)
4 Ministry Opportunities
1. I need prayer warriors, women who will intercede on my behalf. I know based on how the climate of the internet has changed in just 3 short years, it’s only going to get worse. The days are becoming more and more evil. People are despising the Word of God, and thus, people are going to despise and hate what I write. I will be under great attack from the Enemy, but one way to combat the evil one is through prayer. To me, women who stand in the gap and lift me up to our Father and pray for me to have the Lord’s strength, courage, boldness, wisdom, etc. and to move forward in a ministry where I feel insecure and ill-equipped, are women who I deem priceless and remarkable to the kingdom of God. If you’re interested in serving the Lord in this capacity, please send me an email at: askjolene@joleneengle.com or contact me on my Facebook page.
2. I’m in need of more transcribers of the podcasts that I do here on the blog. I’ve got a few gals that help out, but the amount of podcasts that I’ve been doing are too much for them to handle on their own. If you’re interested in serving in this area, send me an email at: askjolene@joleneengle.com and I’ll set you up on our Facebook Group: Transcribers of The Alabaster Jar.
3. If you’ve purchased my book, Wives of the Bible, can you please leave a review of it on Amazon.com? Why do I ask this? Because my book will get more exposure on Amazon when it gets more reviews. This past weekend it was listed in the Top 100 Best Sellers of Kindle ebooks for Spiritual Growth. Wow, was I humbled and honored to see that! Hopefully with more reviews and purchases it will climb higher so it can reach more women and make an impact for the glory of God. This link will take you directly to my book where you can leave your kind thoughts.🙂
4. And lastly, purchase my book. Um, yeah, clearing throat on this one. It’s hard for me to ask this because I’m not into self-promotion, but I do realize I need to get the word out about this resource. Since I don’t run ads on my blog, my book sales are the only financial resources for this ministry. If you haven’t purchased the book yet and you want to, it’s on sale until Monday, Feb. 17th.
David had his mighty men who stood by his side and went into battle with him. I’m asking you to be a Mighty Woman of Valor who will stand with me as we seek to build the kingdom of God.
Definition of valor: great courage in the face of danger, esp. in battle.
Every woman has a passion and a purpose that God has built within her. Don’t let fear keep you from getting into the battle. God has need of you.
To continue the conversation, join me on my facebook page.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Need some encouragement and guidance in your marriage? Grab my latest book, Wives of the Bible: 25 Easy Lessons You Can Learn from these Imperfect Women that Will Radically Transform Your Marriage.