biblical submission

Should a Wife Submit to Her Husband in Everything?

Biblical submission.  I’m a big fan of it.  But unfortunately, not all husbands and wives understand the meaning of it.  More often than not, this Biblical command is taken out of context.  Many men think their wives should ask ‘how high’ when they tell their woman to ‘jump’.  Excuse me a moment while I scoff…
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Do You Trust God with Your Marriage?

Trust. Faith. Surrender. These 3 words sound nice in theory, but the reality is, they are so hard to put into practice, especially when it comes to marriage, more specifically, following your husband’s leadership.  One wife wrote in sharing her struggles…. I have a very difficult time being submissive… and I feel very helpless because…
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What Every Husband Needs from His Wife

I recently had a new bride ask my this heartfelt and transparent question and I wanted to share my answer here because I KNOW she is not the only wife who feels this way! 🙂 Jolene, I, like many other women, stumbled upon your pin on Pinterest.  As a young wife (25) and newlywed (7…
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A Video Explaining the Many Facets of Biblical Submission

Public speaking is not on my bucket list, but it is on the Lord’s list for me!  So I took the time to make this video for you and I gotta say I was waayy outside of my comfort zone on this one.  So what does that mean to you?  Well it means I have…
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A Wife’s Guide to Understanding Biblical Submission

Since there’s been so much dissension and confusion over the topic of Biblical Submission on this blog lately, I thought I’d write a little bit more on this widely misunderstood topic.  I’ve created a mini ebook called A Wife’s Guide to Understanding Biblical Submission. I hope it’ll answer some of your questions, dispell some common myths,…
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Defending Biblical Womanhood and Submission

A warm welcome to all of you new readers who found my little on-line ministry through Pinterest!  Undoubtedly you saw my post, Are You a Wife that’s Easy to Love?  That simple post with a pretty picture made quite the impact in cyberspace!  The last time I checked it had been repinned over 11,000 times and shared…
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Just because I submit to my husband, this does not make me and idiot.

Just Because I Submit to My Husband, this Does Not Make Me an Idiot

Submission. To a woman it sounds like a deadly word. A belittling word. A word that can make you feel like you live in a cage. A word that makes you angry. A word that could leave you feeling like a second-class citizen. Yet, that is not what the word means, nor how God intended…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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