Christian wife

7 Things Every Christian Wife Needs to Know about Sex

One of the best things my husband said to me as a new bride regarding our sexual intimacy was this: “We’ve got the rest of our lives to figure each other out.” And boy, am I thankful he said those words because over the years of our marriage, I’ve had issue after issue in the…
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Learning to Tame the Tongue in Marriage

Every person I know struggles with using the tongue in such a way where it glorifies the Lord and edifies another person. Our natural inclination is to tear the other person down.  There is an art to learning how to tame our tongue- the wild beast that it is!  And one wife wrote in asking…
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Sometimes We Need Guidance for Our Marriage

Marriage can get complicated. Miscommunications. Misunderstandings. Bad days for us. Bad days for our men. The frustrations. The tears. The trials. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a light guiding your way as you navigate the marital waters of your life- whether those waters are calm or stormy?  Imagine that your once dark path is…
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The Gospel Cure for the Frazzled and Frustrated Wife

Ever been bent out of shape?  Overwhelmed with your situation? Feeling hopeless? I think you and I can both say a resounding yes to all of the above! So this brings me to my dear friend, Sarai, also known as Sarah in the Bible.  She was the wife of Abraham, and I gotta tell, ya,…
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8 Habits of a Gracious Wife

At the beginning of mine and Eric’s dating relationship, it was easy for me to be a gracious girlfriend, after all, through the ‘girlfriend’ lenses that I was wearing, the guy I was dating could so easily walk on water!  I was a gracious girl who thought being gracious toward my guy was effortless. Then…
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The Faith-Filled Wife (Part 2)

Last week in our Becoming a Christ-Centered Wife series I shared about being a Fear-Filled Wife with the desire to become a Faith-Filled Wife in Part 1.  Part 2 of this post is discussing the flip side of faith in marriage, more specifically when you’ve had deep faith like David as he defeated Goliath and…
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The Faith-Filled Wife (Part 1)

So your man wants to move you and your family across the country?  Or maybe he wants to quit his job and go into full-time ministry?  Perhaps either one of you have lost your job and you can’t find a new one?  Or maybe you’ve just received a devastating diagnosis? Now what do all of…
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The Wife Who Looks at the Cross

Growing up, I never once heard my family say, “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”  And for a person to not receive forgiveness nor be taught how to forgive others, I naturally became a woman who held grudges, became bitter, and would wish ill will towards others in a heartbeat. Because I’m kind like that.…
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Becoming a Christ-Centered Wife Series

Today I’m starting a new series called, Becoming a Christ-Centered Wife!  Well, actually, the series already started earlier this week when I wrote about The Content Wife.  Wait.  What?  Don’t think you missed something, because you didn’t.  Let me explain… I had no intention of writing a series because frankly, I’m trying to write a…
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Day 19: How I Discovered Respect

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. I am a 40 year old Christian wife (married 19 years), part-time pharmacist and mother of 2 children.  I accepted Christ as a child and grew up to be very involved in church, I had my Bible study and prayer time almost every day…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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