5 Heartaches copy e1416367154464

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  1. Thank you for this – currently going through all 5. Need all the encouragement I can get to remind me I’m going in the right direction. 🙂

    1. That’s a tough road, Emily. Stay close to Christ, remain in His Word, immerse yourself in the things of the Lord and He’ll give you the peace you need during this difficult time.

  2. Wounded and Weary. Life just feels like it’s gotten to be too much. It feels like the trials and tribulations will never end. I don’t know who to trust anymore (other than God). It’s always something. I’m hanging on only because of my faith.

  3. Thank you for this! I’m currently going through them all. This really as put things further into perspective for me. Waiting has been the hardest for me.

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