31 Days to a Better Marriage Series

Day 11: The Blessings and Struggles of Getting Married Young

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. My husband first told me he wanted to marry me before I had even graduated high school. He was already in college and ready to go, but I had grown up with the mentality that we had to be at least through college and…
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Day 10: 5 Ways To Encourage Your Husband To Lead

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. 5 Ways to Encourage Your Husband to Lead Throughout scripture we see how we are structured, God – Man – Woman – Children. Man is not more important than Woman, we just have different roles in accordance with God. As read in scripture, the…
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Day 9: Being His Friend

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. From the moment we take our vows, we are committing to a life time with our mate. A life time that will bring ups and sometimes, even some downs. A life time that will bring love and happiness. However, if there is no friendship…
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Day 8: From Mess to Bliss: 7 Tips That Saved My Marriage

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. Two years ago, my marriage was a complete mess.  My husband was constantly working late, and some days we hardly had time for meaningful conversation.  As a work-from-home mom, I felt tired and alone, with no one to share my ideas and dreams with.…
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Day 7: A Wife’s Prescription to Connecting with Her Husband

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. Sex was a problem. Steamy chemistry ignited first romance with my husband and sealed our marriage.  It was like magic.  Fifteen years later, where was it now? Somehow we had slipped into a place of misery. My gestures of love for him were met…
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Day 6: Reduce Stress and Live More Calmly

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. How do you feel most days?  Calm, focused and purposeful? Stressed, scattered and distracted?  Or something in between?  Many women yearn for calm but feel stressed, as if they’re being pulled in a dozen directions.  They aspire to a peaceful home, an organized office,…
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Day 5: In Sickness and in Health, Respecting Your Husband Through Cancer

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. It seems like a lifetime ago that these vows were made between my husband and I, “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish;…
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Day 4: You Wish He Would Change

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. I just wanted him to make the bed. That’s all. I didn’t want him to do laundry or wash dishes or buy groceries –just make the bed. But for a few decades of marriage he did not. Every morning I quietly fumed and silently…
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Day 3: When He Needs You Most

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. When I was 6 months pregnant with our first child, I returned from a weekend away to find that my husband was convinced our marriage was over. The deterioration of our relationship didn’t happen that quickly, but the realization of where we were after…
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Day 2: What Kind of Wife Does He Need Me to Be?

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. The letter said, He’s tall, dark, and, believe me, handsome.  Yes, I was intrigued. What single, twenty-six year old wouldn’t be? Certainly one who’d been a bridesmaid a record-breaking 12 times. The beginning stages of despair that I’d ever meet “the man of my…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
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