christian marriages

Websites for Christian Husbands/Men

I have been asked by several wives if I can recommend websites that are similar to mine, but one for husbands instead.  Now I’ve got tell you, friend, many of the Christian sites I found focused almost solely on sex, and while I deem that to be a pretty important message in marriage, it’s not…
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Top 15 Christ-Centered Marriage Posts of the Year

I had to chuckle over the #1 post.  This thing is still moving about pinterest!  It’s the pin that keeps on pinning. 1.  Are You a Wife that’s Easy to Love? 2. The Backbone of a Submissive Wife 3.  How a Christian Wife Can Be Dangerous to the Enemy 4.  What Every Husband Needs from…
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The Bible’s Superwoman: My Take on the Proverbs 31 Woman

If you know anything about this woman in Proverbs 31, then most likely you feel she puts you to shame.  Well, maybe not you, but she certainly puts me to shame if I’m trying to emulate her!  But years ago, I stopped trying.  And here’s why: It was the King’s mama who told him what…
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Day 3: When He Needs You Most

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. When I was 6 months pregnant with our first child, I returned from a weekend away to find that my husband was convinced our marriage was over. The deterioration of our relationship didn’t happen that quickly, but the realization of where we were after…
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Day 2: What Kind of Wife Does He Need Me to Be?

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. The letter said, He’s tall, dark, and, believe me, handsome.  Yes, I was intrigued. What single, twenty-six year old wouldn’t be? Certainly one who’d been a bridesmaid a record-breaking 12 times. The beginning stages of despair that I’d ever meet “the man of my…
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Dear Weary Wife in Need of Hope

You call yourself the dutiful wife. The wife who has lost her joy. One who is weary. Hopeless. I read your letters and I hear the pain in your heart and I can imagine the tears falling from your eyes.  The sparks that you once held for your man are now gone.  There’s no common…
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When Unloving Words are Spoken in Marriage

Unloving words will tear any marriage down, but what’s a wife to do when the unkind, rude and harsh words are spoken to her by her husband?  This is what one wife is dealing with in her marriage. Got a question for me? Here are the guidelines… Keep your message short and sweet because you only…
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How to Embrace Your Husband as Head of the Home (when you don’t really want to!)

I know this topic is going to go over like a lead balloon and it certainly won’t be popular amongst the blogosphere, but I’m not here to win a popularity contest.  I’m here to share God’s Word with His daughters and what I’m sharing today is His truth. So I get questions like these from…
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Do You Trust God with Your Marriage?

Trust. Faith. Surrender. These 3 words sound nice in theory, but the reality is, they are so hard to put into practice, especially when it comes to marriage, more specifically, following your husband’s leadership.  One wife wrote in sharing her struggles…. I have a very difficult time being submissive… and I feel very helpless because…
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The One Thing that Every Marriage Needs

Question and answer time on the blog today. Hi Jolene, I’ve come to the end of my rope and I honestly don’t know what else to do. I’m considering separating or possible divorce.  I’ve been married for 4.5 years and we have one child and I’m expecting.  I’ve done some terrible things to destroy my…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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