husband head of home

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  1. I’ve been bitter toward my hubby lately. This article has really helped me see where I’m at fault. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. I want more than anything for my husband to step up and be head of the home. He knows he should be head, but he won’t step up. I used to take charge of important things, but a few months ago I felt led to stop doing that. As a result certain spiritual things of importance have fallen by the wayside (going to Church being one), but I believe with all my heart that just because the man won’t take on his headship responsibilities it doesn’t mean that it’s alright for the wife to. I leave it to God to move and prompt my husband. And I also decided it was wrong for me to keep bringing these matter of importance up. He need to be open to the Holy Spirit.

    1. You can’t blame your husband for you not going to church. If anything you should be an encouragement to him and lead by example by going to church yourself. Sure, you want your husband to lead your household but you don’t want to put your own salvation at risk just because he isn’t going to church. Just because you aren’t the head of the household doesn’t mean you have no responsibilities.

    2. Sharon, your relationship with the Lord comes before your relationship with your husband. Going to church is honoring God so don’t let your husband hold you back spiritually if he’s not wanting to attend church with you.

  3. As wives, we’re really questioning God and His word when our husbands are not functioning the way we’d like them to…

    The more I realize the truth of this statement and the more I choose to trust God the more I can readily submit to my husband’s leadership regardless of how I feel, whether I agree or not. And i so agree with you about not being a doormat but respectfully stating our position and then leaving the outcome up to God. Abba knows best!! Thanks, Jolene. Once again, an insightful post.

  4. UGH! MY SIN NATURE. Number 6 just nailed me right in the gut. Argh! That is why I question God about my husband – my own desire to control… Ugly ol’ sin nature. I’ve been struggling for the past several MONTHS to get myself aligned under my husband’s authority. And just when I think I get it tamed, another issue pops up and I discover my need to control attempting to overrun me. I totally get Eve’s choice, sadly, and God is really taking me on a hard journey to submit to HIM by submitting to my husband… Thank you for writing this.

    1. Debbie,

      We will always battle with our flesh until the day we die! What really matters is if we have a teachable and trusting spirit! Sounds like you do, friend! Press on in your journey.

  5. Its saddening to see women belittle themselves like this over a book of old fables. a home doesn’t need, and probably shouldn’t have, a head; It should be based on consensus decision making and mutual respect, not this disturbing regression to the Victorian era. to accept this ideology is to ignore the entire concept of universal suffrage, and is a blatant spit in the face to woman’s rights.

  6. This is a great approach to a touchy subject. I love my husband and today he is learning how to be a loving leader for our marriage and home. Before, his lack of leadership filled me with bitterness and resentment. It nearly destroyed our marriage… but then God…

  7. This is really quite challenging to me! What I’m currently doing is trying to be extremely intentional about putting the Lord on the throne in all aspects of my life especially in my marriage. Then, I feel the joy, love and peace within me.. and everything around me feels happy and loved. And so is my husband 🙂 Just an advice, don’t hold back from telling him how much you enjoy his company, or the way he makes love to you. Desiring him will make him know just how special you think he is!
    Do everything that uplift him.. that is honoring to God. 🙂

    Visiting you from the Happy Wives Club Link Up.

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