When Your Life is a Mess and You Don’t Know What to Do
Welcome back to The Power of the Holy Spirit Series! If you’re new here, then I encourage you to take the time to read the first two posts in this series, My Burning Bush Experience and How Often Do You See Your Best Friend?
Sometimes life is a big fat mess and we just don’t know what to do or where to turn. I’ve been there, my friend! But today I wanted to share with you how to grow in your biblical understanding so you can navigate through this world and make the right decisions. And one of the things that’s needed to make wise choices is hearing the Lord and growing in your faith. But first I wanted to give you a glimpse into where my spiritual journey began.
I didn’t know a whole lot of Truth, (the Bible) when I was a new believer. I wasn’t raised with learning the Scriptures and seeking the Lord. When I got saved at 26 yrs. old, I spent the next 15 months of my walk alone. Outside of my Pastor teaching from the pulpit, I didn’t have anyone in the flesh teaching me how to navigate the Christian life, however, Jesus was always with me!
During the first 6 months of my new found life in Christ I went from church to church to church hearing how Jesus loved me and died for my sins. While I appreciated hearing this important truth, I needed more instruction. I needed to be equipped so I could walk through this life in a Godly way. And although I read my Bible from cover to cover during that time I’m sure I didn’t understand even half of what I read!
And as a babe in Christ, let me tell you right now, I had zero understanding of the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life!
If I heard things like:
“The Lord prompted my heart,” or
“The Lord told me,” or
“God spoke to me,”
I often wondered what people meant by these sayings.
Was God speaking to them in an audible voice? Did a burning bush appear to them? What exactly were they talking about? I was perplexed by it and I had no clue how they got to that point in their spiritual walk to say and hear such things! (This is an area that I want to address further in this series, so stay with me here.)
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13
I can remember one instance many years ago when I was a single woman looking for a new job. I went on an interview and during it the man that would’ve been my boss said something that crossed a professional line. He hit on me, he alluded to having an affair with me, and he was married! I walked out knowing that working there would’ve been a big mistake for me spiritually speaking. But being that I didn’t know Christ well enough on a very intimate level I was lacking the ability to hear Him speak to me at that moment. However, what I did know was God’s Truth on a more basic level!
My potential future boss, the one I’d be submitting to, was bad news. It’s one thing to work for someone who is not a Believer, but it’s something all together very different to work for one who had the audacity to suggest immoral intentions; something that is contrary to the Word of God.
I knew enough Truth to know that at that time of my life I needed to be encouraged to grow in the Lord. Since I was surrounded by the world everywhere I turned and I was alone in my journey, the last thing I needed was a working environment that would have weakened my faith and caused me to stumble; which would’ve made another mess in my already messed up life!
In spite of not really hearing the Lord speak to me in this situation, I still heard Him, but in a different way; a way in which the Word of God, also known as the Spirit of Truth, was loud and clear.
Now I can’t even begin to tell you how imperative it is to seek out the Truth so you’ll know how to:
- walk through this ungodly world,
- have a god-fearing marriage,
- parent children,
- live through trials, etc.
One of the things that you’ll need to strengthen you and equip you is the ability to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice. Your growth in Christ is your responsibility. Yes, it is important to go to church every Sunday so you can be fed the Word of God and be ministered to, but it is not your Pastor’s or anyone else’s responsibility to make you know Christ more. That pursuit rests between you and your Father, my sweet friend!
So the more you know the Truth the easier it’ll be for you to hear God’s voice; which in turn will either help you clean up your messy life or avoid another spill!
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. John 15:26
10 Ways to Grow in the Spirit of Truth
- Know that the Word of God is the Lord’s voice!
- Keep seeking and learning what the Bible has to say. So be in the Word of God daily.
- Pray for wisdom and understanding when you open up your Bible to read it and ask God to reveal His Spirit to you.
- Memorize Scripture.
- Attend a Bible-teaching church.
- Read a version of the Bible that you can understand. In my own personal study I read the NKJV, (that’s what my Pastor teaches from). When I read my Bible for devotions I read the New Living Translation because it’s an easier read. When I’m wanting to memorize scripture, I do so with the NKJV. And when I teach others I use various versions so the concept of the Word of God could be easily understood by all levels of understanding and maturity in Christ.
- Attend a Bible study.
- Pray for a godly woman to be a part of your life. This might come in the form of an author or someone you know personally.
- Read Bible-based books that will help you to grow in your understanding of the Word of God.
- Read Scripture-based, God-fearing blogs. I happen to know of one that can help encourage you in your walk, if you’re interested! (smile)
Next in this series I’m going to tackle how to discern the Spirit of Truth vs. Lies….even if they come from a professed Believer!
Do you mind sharing this with a friend so they can learn some ways to avoid making messes in their life?
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
Need some encouragement and guidance in your marriage? Grab my latest book, Wives of the Bible: 25 Easy Lessons You Can Learn from these Imperfect Women that Will Radically Transform Your Marriage.