Listening to God’s Voice
I can’t take it anymore. The voice of the Enemy has been too much for me to bear in this on-line space lately. The rude comments. The venom. The critical tone. People writing blogs about me and I don’t mean in a good way. Harsh and critical words have brought me to tears one too many times. I’ve started to shut down emotionally and somewhat spiritually because I’ve allowed the Enemy to speak into my life, and it’s time for it to stop.
A soul can only take so much criticism especially when I don’t have to put up with it. It’s not like this ministry is a job or a difficult relationship I’m trying to work through. No, I don’t have to be here. In fact, to the so-called blogging experts, what I’m doing is like committing blogging suicide because I’ve stopped ‘the’ system that creates community–yep, I’ve shut down the comments here until the Lord tells me otherwise.
But it’s not the blogging gurus voice that I’m seeking, I’m seeking my Father voice because His voice is the One that matters most. But I can’t do His will very well when I’m hearing the voice of the Enemy on a regular basis. The criticism is distracting me from my Father’s business. If Satan can tear me down and get me to not show up here to write the Truth, well, then he wins. And I’m not okay with that. So I need to protect myself so I can hear my Father’s voice.
We protect ourselves physically, financially, and hopefully, mentally and emotionally, but one area that we often neglect is our spiritual well-being. I have learned over the years that protecting my spiritual well-being needs to be the first area of protection in my life rather than the last. When my spirit is alive and well, it has a positive affect on me physically, mentally and emotionally.
The online world is becoming too noisy and too harsh for me. The comments people have said to me and about me are things they most likely would never say straight to my face. So I need to run to my Father and seek His shelter. I need to hear His voice and not the Enemy’s.
I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.” Psalm 55:8
My heart is to do the will of my Father. (John 4:34) And His will for me at this time is to keeping writing for Him here. But in order for me to continue to do so I need to shut up the Enemy by shutting down the comments. Yep, it’s a simple solution, although I’m quite aware that Satan will try to tear me down and destroy me through another venue.
We all have fears and feelings we’re trying to overcome. Wounds from the past that haunt us. And every soul has insecurities.
Recognize your insecurities so you can try to overcome them.
Ask the Lord to surround you with Truth.
Put hedges in place so you don’t buy into Satan’s lies. Remove yourself (if you can) from situations that will just tear you down rather than build you up.
Do the things that will cause your Spirit to grow and your fleshly desires to wilt, rather than the other way around. For me, I need to spend more time in the Word than on-line, and I need to be around others who will encourage me rather than discourage me in my walk with Christ. Perhaps you’re shaking your head in agreement to this?
So did I want to turn off the comments so I couldn’t hear from you? Absolutely not. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the years of encouragement I have received here. But I’m sure you can understand that I must do whatever it takes in order for me to hear my Father’s voice.
If you’d like to connect with me you can leave me a comment on Facebook– the community there is still up!
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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