christian wives

Should a Wife Seek Biblical Counsel from Someone Other than Her Husband?

Does a wife go only to her husband to get biblical guidance?  Does she turn to mentors? This is what one woman is dealing with in her marriage. Dear Jolene Is it ok to ask other people/seek counsel regarding questions on scripture from someone other than your husband? My husband says wives are to go…
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Marriage Principle #7 and #8

Marriage Principle from Herodias, the Manipulative Wife… Marriage Principle from Rebekah, the Wife Who Placed a Higher Priority on Her Mothering vs. Her Marriage… If you’re new here, I’m currently going through the bible study of the Wives of the Bible.  If you’d like to learn all 25 marriage principles, you can by going here! Live…
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The One Question a Wife Wants to Ask Her Husband but Is Too Afraid To

As I sat on the couch with tears running down my face, this question came to my mind.  I processed it over and over, wondering why my husband didn’t understand my need.  I soon realized I was too afraid to tell him. Over the weeks and months that followed, I came to the conclusion this…
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Summer Bible Study of Wifes of the Bible - Relevant and Applicable, Accountability, Community, Short Video teachings, A bite sized study for the busy wife and mom!, For wives of single women

Women Mentoring Women in Marriage and Singleness

Looking for a mentor for your Christian walk and/or marriage? Well, look no further! Coming to a computer screen near you is a bite size Bible study of the Wives of the Bible! When I was newly saved and single I had no older Christian women showing me how to be a Godly woman. But…
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The Wise Wife

He walked out of the house one day in a rush and just before he shut the front door he snapped at me.  His tone was harsh and his mood was irritable. The term “kicked the dog” came to my mind, and I felt like I was the dog he just kicked. My flesh wanted…
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5 Steps to an Awesome Marriage

We sat around the campfire with our friends and family and that’s when I first heard our son’s thoughts on marriage. My boy proceeded to tell our adult married friend that he wanted to get married young. Our friend naturally asked him why. I turned my mama ears toward the conversation and leaned in close…
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3 Reasons Why I Choose to Respect My Husband Even When He Doesn’t Deserve It!

We sat across the table chatting one night and that’s when he asked me… “Why do you respect me even when I don’t deserve your respect?”   “After all, I’m lazy.” “I leave my stuff out all over the place.” “And I don’t do enough for you and our family.” “Why is it that you…
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Marriage is a Gift from God

On December 19, 1997, on a sandy beach in Southern California, my Beloved etched words in the sand asking me to be his wife. With an overwhelming love for him, I said yes!  I knew at that moment that God handed me, sinful, vile me, a beautiful gift that I was not worthy to receive. He…
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When a Husband Makes Poor Choices

A reader’s question… Dear Jolene, About a year ago, without my knowledge my husband left his job to go at it alone. Things have not gone accordingly, instead we have lost everything, our home, car, property and are staying at my parents house. He is not doing well, he has reverted back to his behaviour…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
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