grace challenge 7 truths

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  1. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! What powerful truth the Lord has equipped us with if only we could receive it openly and not depend on ourselves to for such. I’m blessed by your words, as always!

  2. Looking forward to this entire series. Grace has been a word that’s been on my heart a lot the last several weeks

  3. Jolene,
    I am interested in this. My eyes are crossing though because my daughter was born on the 8th. I am just getting into my email account for the first time. Talk about weeding everything out. Seeing my daughter is a sure sign of grace that God has given to me. I sure don’t deserve this little blessing and I am not always giving others grace to move on from their past.

  4. Jolene, what a beautiful message of truth about God’s grace. The one that stood out to me most was God’s grace being sufficient. So often I forget that and try to do things on my own strength. It never goes well. But when I rely on the wonderful grace of our loving Lord, He gives me just what I need to do it well. Thanks for your boldness in sharing the truth of God’s Word. And for keeping us focused on what is important.

  5. Wow. Grace, to me has always been about His covering of our sin or grace we extended to others as a result of sin. After reading your list and contemplating each and every step, #6 stood out to me most. I don’t find my own failures and shortcomings (all my personal expectations of myself that I can’t fix no matter how hard I try) very appealing. Sin or mistakes I can let go for at least I know I’m trying… it’s my own weaknesses that I can really do nothing about that are hardest for me to allow His grace to cover. So, this list really helped me search what grace means to me and what aspects are hard for me to accept. And, perhaps I hold everyone close to me to higher standards as I do myself and don’t allow the grace to flow through to them as I should when I witness their shortcomings/failures.
    Thanks, Jolene! Your posts and podcasts are very thought-provoking, helpful and character-enhancing! As a result, they draw me closer to my Savior 🙂

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