custom scripture board

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  1. Jolene,
    What a great thing to share with us. I absolutely love it, and the best part is that you and your husband created a gift for your family. Your personal testimonies and me being active in learning through Christian Wife University proves A Christ-Centerd Marriage is doable. I so understand the desire to live a life poured out for Christ and to a wife based on the bible and it’s truths. Learning un-truths about being a wife is hard, however seing the truth about marriage in real lives is such a blessing. I thank God for a heart like yours and I deeply appreciate you for sharing it with all God’s daughters.

  2. I know this is strange, but how thick is the wood you used, and how long are the staples?

    I’m a DC (DISC), and the C part of me needs to make sure it will work :0

  3. Love this! I also like that you can chose a verse that you need at that time- something that you couldn’t do when buying a premade pic at the store.

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