Biblical guidance
Biblical guidance, Discipleship
3 Biblical Tips When You’re At a Crossroads
My eyes welled up with tears when I read the first email. The words on the screen said, “Appointment to meet with a publisher.” I felt gripped by fear thinking, “who was I to be writing a book?” And mixed with my insecurities was the reality that my book wasn’t even finished yet. I felt…
Read More Biblical guidance, Discipleship
Because Sometimes We Forget Who We Really Are
I forgot who I was today when fear came upon me. I listened to the nasty Snake once again. The cunning serpent loves to speak lies into our lives. He loves to paralyze us from moving closer to God and doing what we’re called to do. He seeks to thwart the purpose that God has…
Read More Biblical guidance, Discipleship
The Day I Chucked My Bible Across the Room
It was a season of my life when I was unemployed, going on one job interview after another only to hear that I was either overqualified for the job or I was their second choice. I was always thrilled to hear those words. As a new Believer, each time I headed into an interview I…
Read More Biblical guidance, Discipleship
Learning to Follow the Lord
I was 19 years old when I was first introduced to the Gospel message. At the time I was attending a Christian University but I wasn’t saved. Yes, believe it or not, non-Christians attend Christian universities. And I was one of them. Ever so lost, yet longing for something to fill my soul. I attended…
Read More Biblical guidance, Discipleship
Combating Fear and Anxiety Biblically
Fear. Anxiety. Worry. Every woman who is breathing has felt these emotions at least one time or another in her lifetime. I can remember the day I gave birth to my first born son. I had a plan. I had expectations. And I assumed the birthing process would go without a hitch. Of course in…
Read More Biblical guidance, Wifehood
Walking in God’s Strength and Not My Own
Well, you may have noticed that I didn’t take much time away from blogging last month like I had originally planned. 🙂 I told you I needed to be away from here for a couple of reasons. One being that I had a speaking engagement I needed to prepare for and the other reason was…
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Living in the Land of Doubt or at The Foot of the Cross this Easter?…& a Link Up!
It’s so easy to doubt, isn’t it? We all go through times of fretting and fearing the outcome of our lives at one time or another, don’t we? We wonder…… Will the Lord provide for me? Will He heal me? Will my marriage get any better? Will my husband ever get a job? Will my…
Read More Biblical guidance, Discipleship
When Your Life Feels Like a Train-Wreck…& a Link Up!
Have you ever felt as if your life has been a train-wreck? Where you’re constantly colliding into one trial after another? Or you’re left to stand in shattered pieces of your broken dreams? Or you’re trying to get your life back on track but your strength fails you? If any of this resonates with you,…
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The Remarkable Purpose of Being a Godly Woman…& a Link Up!
Have you ever wondered what your purpose is as a Godly woman? I know I’ve had that thought more than a few times in my life, especially when my life’s circumstances are difficult. It’s certainly easy in today’s culture to get our viewpoint of Biblical womanhood all wrong, or worse yet, we know what it…
Read More Biblical guidance, Physical Intimacy, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
How to Overcome Past Sexual Sins
I’ve had several women write in recently asking me how they can get over their past sexual sins so their memories won’t hinder the physical intimacy between them and their husband. And since I am very open about my past, a past filled with complete and utter darkness, I thought I’d share what helped me…
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