31 Days Marriage

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  1. Thanks, Shari, for this excellent reminder. As a husband & wife, we definitely walk through these situations TOGETHER. I have personally been on both sides of “story”, so to speak. Although not with cancer, my first husband had a degenerative heart condition which took his life eventually. The Lord blessed me with a second husband. I am now the one with a couple debilitating health challenges (& recently the scare of cancer), & it affects everyone in the family. To be honest, in some ways it can be harder on the spouse of the person who is sick, especially if the disease is potentially terminal. I have found in our situation as well as in others I’ve spoken with, that the Lord seems to gives an extra measure of peace & strength to the person who is sick. So we need to extend that to our spouse who is struggling to carry on with normal duties as well as likely the extra things we can’t do + medical appointments, etc. God is good….

    1. Florence,
      Thank you so much for stopping by today! Yes, you are so right, we always need to be thinking of our spouses when we are placed in these types of situations, giving them all the encouragement we can as we walk this journey together. Many blessings to you!

      All for Him,

  2. What a great attitude for in sickness or in health! Right now my husband is beginning a journey/fight through a condition that if not treated could severely limit his mobility and strength. I know it is a scary thing for him, as it is for me. But, I think that continuing to encourage and respect will help him to stay positive, you know? I’ve also been thinking about what this journey will look like to our children and to those around us. Will they see two people who rely on God and work together? Or will they see two people who wallow in self-pity? I pray that it is the former!

    Blessings to you and your family!


    1. Joan,
      I agree that encouraging and respecting our husbands through the difficulty times, will always lighten the load and make the situations easier. As you walk this journey with your husband, I’ll be praying for healing and extra strength for both of you.

      All for Him,

  3. Shari, thank you for sharing your empowering story. A youth leader told me the key to happiness is serving others. You stated the same thing here and I wholeheartedly agree. Our servant attitude makes all the difference in the many different trials. I’m glad it works in the trial of illness, too. Blessings and grace to you!

  4. This really touched my heart, Shari. I can somewhat relate to this, because my husband was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy about 13 years ago and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t worry about the state of his health. He was told back then he would need a heart transplant and he had spent two weeks in ICU at the time of diagnosis. It’s been a scary road for us, but one where he has held very strong faith in God all along. He doesn’t worry about his health, but I always will, even with my faith in God.

    1. Rosann,
      I will be praying for your husband’s health, as well as for you during this time. I know it can be so very hard. Remember that God is always with you, no matter what your situation. Turn to Him, lean into Him, when times get hard, He is just waiting for you to take His hand.

      All for Him,

  5. Thank you Shari for this reminder. I shared this article with my mom as they are in their sixties with one illness after another but by God’s grace, nothing major!

  6. This is beautiful, Shari! At a time when most people would feel justified in being selfish, you are encouraging us to look beyond ourselves and look to serving others, where the joy is!

    My brother is also a cancer survivor. He has fought it three times and at one point, many years ago, they diagnosed him as terminal. He is currently back in remission, something they didn’t believe they could ever get him into again, and the doctor’s believe that he may be cured!

    Cancer certainly does challenge a marriage, and it does affect everyone, as you said. I watched my brother and his wife team up. Another dear friend has just walked his sweet lovely wife through her own breast cancer, and they are a team to be reckoned with as well! 😉

    I love how you remind us that God’s plan for us includes our abilities and illnesses and no matter what we’re going through, we can live out our roles as lovers and encouragers (etc.) to the best of our ability with God’s grace and help!

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