forgive and forget 1

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  1. Do you have transcripts of your podcasts? I think they’re just the advice I’m searching for but it would be so much easier to read quietly when I have spare time. I want to listen but either don’t have the time or need my ears open! Thanks!

    1. Hi Anne,
      Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide transcripts for my podcast episodes at this time.

      In the past, I had a team of volunteers transcribing my shows but it became too time consuming for me to manage and implement. The other path is to pay for a transcriber, and at this time, we don’t have plans to allocate funds for this project. This might change in the future, though.

      Something you can do is grab a set of headphones and listen to some episodes when time permits.

  2. Enjoyed reading your article. Words are like an arrow. Once they’ve been shot out, you can’t take them back. Some people would hurl out the nastiest things under the pretext of keeping the conversation going. It’s really tough to get over hurtful words. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Thank you for this. My husband said very mean things to me because I caught him in a lie. It has played over and over in my mind to the point I was questions God and my faith. But hear your pod cast on this subject made me realize it is Satan trying to destroy this marriage.

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