How to Juggle Working In and Out of the Home
The elusive balancing act of doing it all. Can we, as women, do it all and do it well? Will we lose our minds in the process? Put our to-do lists before our relationships? Get fed up with our husbands? Hmmm, quite possibly! Here’s one woman’s story…
Dear Jolene,
Please provide me with info on how to juggle being the good wife at home, whilst also being a working woman. How do we juggle them both? My husband expects that I must be the manager of the home (I have a domestic only once a week), however, I work for a living too. I’m exhausted at the end of the day, just like he is, yet it is my job to still cook, do washing, bathing and feeding the kids (we have 3), get everything ready for the next day etc.. And still put in time at gym and with my hubby. And what does the husband do in the home? Nothing? His salary is not enough for us, so I work too, and therefore I am also a breadwinner (I earn what he earns). Surely he should also help in the home too?
Scripture Reference:
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12
Got a question for me? Here are the guidelines…
- Keep your message short and sweet because you only have 90 seconds to record your question.
- Please leave your name and where you’re from. If you’d like to remain anonymous, you can say you’re Sue from Oregon even though you’re really Jane from California! Yeah, I’m sly like that. I’ve got you covered, sister!
- If applicable, please let me know if your husband is a believer or not.
- Only ask one question per recording. If you have another question, please record another message.
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Are you overwhelmed with it all? Do you feel like you’re drowning in all you’re responsibilities? Join me at the 2016 Homemaking Ministries On-line Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is Finding Balance in Your Home. There are 20 different sessions and 17 speakers. I’ll be speaking on, How to Create a Loving and Lasting Marriage When You’re Short on Time, Energy, and the Desire to Do So.
Need some help in finding balance in your home? Join us for this year’s Homemaking Ministries On-line Conference!
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
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