When a Christian Husband Views Porn
Pornography is becoming all too common in our society today and unfortunately the Church is not immune from this sin either. One wife wrote to me asking for advice as she’s dealing with this in her marriage.
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Jolene Engle
Hi, I listened to the podcast on the scenario where the husband has been looking at porn. I just mainly had a point to add which I think is a major point. Rightly your husband asked you to clarify if looking at porn was wrong and you mentioned that its lust and that lust was many times mentioned as wrong in the bible and you said that the wife isn’t going to want to have sex with a man who has been looking at porn. I agree totally that I would really struggle to want to be intimate with my husband if I new he had been looking at porn, or lustfully at someone. It just breaks the intimacy. So totally think what your saying is likely to result in that problem. But some women apparently like looking at porn too, so thats not always going to be a problem.
I think the real major point is that Jesus said that if you look at a women lustfully that your committing adultery of the heart. Adultery itself is spoken against many times and particularly in the commandments. Do not commit adultery is like number 7 isn’t it. Its a major deal. Thats the major point. It’s something that god clearly said not to do. And all the horrible symptoms that happen as a result of breaking that commandment, are likely why God said not to commit adultery, but the point is just to follow god and obey his commands. Didn’t Jesus say, go into all the world and preach the gospel “teaching them to obey” .
You are so right about porn breaking intimacy between a husband and wife. And that it is a form of adultery. Thanks for sharing!
Most people just don’t know that the people in porn images are mostly prostitutes, and that when younger they were mostly children that were molested. So whoever thinks porn is ok, is approving of child abuse. I wasn’t even a Christian for years yet, when I started wondering about the childhood of those people, what made them desensitized to being used and exploited. Lovingly and wisely raised children never grow up to be in porn images, unless they are forced into slavery. So it’s either child abuse, or slavery or both. Drugs often keep these people in these dangerous and miserable sex jobs. I’m surprised that porn is still legal in the U.S. considering it REQUIRES child abuse/neglect and illegal drug addiction usually, to staff the industry. Maybe it’s legal still because people just don’t know why 18+ people consent to the job. Their childhood abuse/training, that’s why. Desperation for money because of poverty, or to put themselves through college isn’t why they participate in the lust business. I have personally known 2 sex workers. One active prostitute was on heroin, who’s daughter was also in the business and on heroin too, and the other was in my wedding party, no longer an active sex worker but she said that her step-father had molested her. Oh, and the legal strip club businesses are about more than looking, even if they don’t touch each other. The guys touch themselves while the lady talks to them in a lustful way. Those businesses should all be illegal, because it encourages child abuse to continue, to staff the business with more people willing to be exploited in various ways. No doubt some of these business owners/managers are doing or encouraging child abuse, to raise up another generation of willing workers. This kind of knowledge about the childhoods of sex workers can kill the desire to view porn. All people should learn about the childhoods of people who do crime or other harmful behaviors like letting oneself be exploited. I have a lot more compassion for difficult people now that I know more about how they got that way. People are way to stuck on this legal 18+ “consent” to behaviors. Childhood matters for what they are willing to consent to when over 18. Often, they are under 18 and just look older. Porn businesses aren’t known for really caring about people and laws. 90% of their workers are active prostitutes. Their business would fail without enabling crime and child abuse. I’ve never heard a church talk about the childhoods of these people….only about the damage to viewer lives, that it’s sin. They need to talk more about how people got that way, and how miserable they really are when they aren’t fake smiling etc. They need to be told how to get involved in rescue ministry. Many of those people want OUT and don’t know how to escape. Shaming viewers of porn isn’t enough. They will not be turned on by it anymore after they learn the full truth about those people, unless they have a mental illness and need medical intervention to stop, or they truly hate God and don’t care about anyone. Most people just need more info about the people in the images, to know they used to be real children and deserve love now and an honorable safe job and freedom from substance use. And probably police protection, as if they leave that world, someone might try to have them killed so the crimes of the business owner aren’t exposed, or their profits aren’t reduced. Shady people don’t take kindly to their cash flow reduced/interrupted. The whole world needs to know the truth about the people in the porn images. They aren’t just bad people who like their job. They were and are abused and often forced slaves. They are not happy people. They need rescued. Some are so brainwashed they don’t know they need rescued or think that’s even possible. They may feel undeserving of a normal life. They may fear for their life if they leave the industry. It is a terrible LIE that all those people are happy to do what they do. Most people just don’t know the truth. The church needs to stop being vague, and tell the whole truth. Maybe they are just too squeamish to research it and talk more about it. Jesus didn’t shy away from talking directly with prostitutes and rescuing them. I think the Jewish leaders killed Jesus mostly for his teachings against the 6 kinds of adultery, and because that was affecting their cash flow as well.
Thanks for sharing your heart, Amy.
Hi, I totally agree that people who allow themselves to be exploited probably don’t have normal internal feelings, probably as a result of someone else afflicting something on them that was very wrong. A healthy loving intimacy in a family seems unlikely to result in someone feeling the desire to be part of something that destroys that intimacy. But the problem being, is that the people who molest children are unlikely to be just growing future profits for the porn industry. They themselves have a lust problem and are willing to damage and exploit young sweet innocent people (children) to fulfill their list. Obviously this is very wrong.
I think feeding wrong desires is likely to make them grow. Porn being so freely available is fuelling too many fires. The whole world seems to be becoming a bit unnatural with their desires for very wrong things. It’s heart breaking just to think about.