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  1. Your posts are hitting it right on!! My “one word for 2013” came in a flash. Its what God impressed on me early in 2012. He hasn’t moved me from that call. I’ll stand steadfast in “PRAYER” in 2013!

  2. Thanks for sharing this wisdom. Amazing how God speaks to me, through online resources and people. This is just part of what I needed to hear while I fast this week. May God continue to bless you.

  3. I love the word of the year concept – I picked Balance, as the work of mom, wife, self, daughter, and child of God seem to need balance all the time.

    Thank you for sharing yours! I pray that your year is full of Worship and that you are blessed as you learn to love worship in all its forms.


  4. Here’s mine, the Lord gave this during my quiet time this morning:


    “I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you: I am going away, but I will come back to you again.” – John 14:27-28a

  5. Thank you for sharing your heart. What came to my mind is ETERNITY and ETERNAL. Ecclesiastes 3:11 he has made everything beautiful in it’s time. He has also put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
    2 Corinthians 4:18 while we do not look at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
    There is a greater glory to be revealed to us that is eternal. Ecclesiastes 7:8 the end of a thing is better than its beginning.

  6. Great article. It’s funny how we look for resolutions for the new year in a broken world. I was looking some idea resolutions on Pinterest, a job related task, and I came across this great article. And wow it hit me; why looking for advise in a broken world when you have the creator trying to reach out to you to give you all you need. I have to say that I will try harder this year to make my “resolutions” or better said, my decisions base on my favorite 2 verses;
    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path” Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord….

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