Practical Ways to Nourish a Marriage while Living with a Chronic Illness

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  1. Dear Jolene,

    What a blessing it was to find this in my inbox today. Cannot tell you how much I needed this
    I feel like I can breathe now that I know someone understands my feelings about all of this!
    I never figured out how to be this Proverbs 31 wife when I struggled with so many illnesses.
    I am in rears right now. A huge weight is off my shoulders now that I know I can be what I
    need to be without all the guilt of being perfect in Gods and everyone’s eyes. I am still learning,
    still figuring out how to prioritize things. But thanks to you, I have a better idea. I would also
    like to contact you about maybe using this post on my new blog. I hadn’t yet figured out what I
    wanted to write about for my first post. But I think this would be perfect. And I want to make sure
    you get all the credit for the idea. Thank you so much from my heart. I am truly thankful for your
    openness and honesty about this subject.

    1. Hi Beth, what a blessing to hear that what I’ve shared has blessed you and you no longer feel alone. God is always with you! Keep your eyes on Him!

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I too live with chronic illness. It is so hard some days. My husband tries to understand, but sometimes he doesn’t. Illness has been hard on our family. My husband and I even separated a few years ago and chronic illness and stress probably played a big role in that. Praise God our marriage is restored! I am working towards getting healthy and I pray my family will strive to live a healthy lifestyle also.


  3. Thank you for this post! I developed a chronic illness shortly before being engaged to my husband (we have been married now just over a year). We are still trying to figure things out, but I do spend a lot of time feeling lost and overwhelmed and also guilty. My husband is very active, and I have a hard time getting over the feeling that I’m holding him back. Recently my health has been on a bit of an uptick, which has been a blessing. This list really helps to clarify goals and small steps for me to focus on on a daily basis.

    God bless!

  4. What a great post! I have been dealing with a chronic illness for 9+ months now and have had to leave my job. The suddenness of us becoming a one income family was quite a shock and not something we were quite ready for. I spend my time and strength I have on running our home smoothly and making wise financial choices. I am also learning how to be a true keeper-at-home and just work to glorify God and my family.

  5. God has Blessed me with today! He knows that I will find support, direction and comfort from your website. Thank you for encouraging me to continue His plan with my marriage, family, health and testimony! @DragonflyAdvoca and have been in the works for a few years already and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me!

  6. Hello there,

    I just want to thank you- I am doing a research paper on how chronic illness (specifically Fibromylgia and Chronic Fatigue) affects a marriage. Part of my interest in this subject is hugely fueled because that is what I have been facing for the majority of my life and want to know if God calls me into a marriage what my spouse and I say and do.

    I not only appreciate your honesty about the subject, but the Godly perspective you share! Thank you for reminding me to fight and choose joy.

    -Rachel 🙂

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