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  1. One of the scriptures that makes me pause and think is “Unless you repent of the sins of your fathers you too shall like wise perish”.
    I am getting ready to start my third marriage. The first one ended in a divorce and before I started my second there was a lot of soul searching on why it failed.
    The second marriage I made clear that either we could agree that God was in charge or we had no common ground to build on. It was successful. Susan passed away four years ago from cancer.
    For the past few years I have been examining that marriage to identify what was great about it and what I could do better!
    All of this searching and evaluating has led me to the conclusion that a lot of Christian families are not what they should be!
    “Husbands love your wives like Christ loves the church ….” is applied this way in my life to make it personal- “Bruce, love your wife like Christ loves you”.
    As a person attempting to be as Christ like as I can- I want to thank you as a man for encouraging me to let go of the model for a marriage that I saw in my parents life. To ignore those who teach that the man is the lord and master of the house. For encouraging me to see marriage as a peer relationship as God intended!

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