Prioritize wifehood

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and this subject. I have been battling with a cross-roads that I am at…professional path and wifehood path ( I love this word and also believe that it should be a word in the dictionary! ). I will be putting these suggestions into practice today…asking my husband what he needs from me and overall making more of an effort to do more regular “check-ins” with him.

    Today, I will start by changing the way that I have been praying….instead of asking God to show me what I should be doing as a wife and as a career woman, I will instead ask God to align my steps with the path He has already chosen for me and to help me embrace that path and not be unwilling to take it even though it might be vastly different than what I had envisioned for myself.

    Thank you for adding a different perspective on this area of life! I really appreciate it!

  2. I love this! I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and have been trying to prioritise my marriage/husband ahead of all ‘the rest’. I am a people pleaser by nature, I just have to remember to please the right people first!
    Thank you for your useful suggested questions, I will definitely be applying them to my marriage!

    1. Hi Eliza,
      It is so great to hear you recognize that you are a people pleaser and that you’re learning to please the right people first! God first, husband second, kiddos next and then everyone else. When a woman knows her priorities then decision-making becomes much easier! Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. I do love what you’re saying. I wish there were more sites like this. You seem so real!

    1. Thanks for your sweet words, Angela. No sense in being a woman who hides behind a mask. It does me no good nor the other women. So you get me, warts and all. 🙂

  4. Jolene,

    I definitely needed to hear this and realize my first role, before motherhood. Thank you!
    How can I get your t ebooks if I’m already signed up for your posts?

    I really want to read them

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Oh yes, motherhood could consume our entire beings if we’re not careful. Those little darlings!! But a wise woman will learn to prioritize her marriage so she isn’t parenting alone. It’s a slight shift in one’s perspective (and choices) but it makes all the difference for a strong family life. Let me look into getting the ebooks emailed to you.

  5. Just what I need it to read. I’ve been working on prioritizing in my life and you just gave me the best ideas ever. I’ll start on these questions and share them with my ladies group at church.

  6. Today, I will ask God for His grace to be a wife. I try to do things on my own and my mental always breaks after so long. I will ask God for His grace more often than to prioritize my marriage vs my pride

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