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  1. I am one of the many who was blessed by finding your blog on Pinterest! A couple of months ago I read an article on biblical submission that quite frankly made me want to gag when I first read it. But after some reflection, realized that while I still didn’t agree with her way, God was trying to tell me something. I was not letting my husband be the head of the house. So I began praying & seeking ways to be a more Godly wife. I am so glad to have found your blog & explanations of submission. I know you are getting plenty of negative feedback so I want to Thank you for what you are doing because you are making a difference!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristen. I appreciate your encouraging comment! And I’m blessed to hear that you are following the Lord’s leading regarding His plan for marriage!

  2. Hi Jolene! Thanks so much for your video! You and your husband did a great job on it! I am just recently beginning to want to submit in my marriage, and you are so write about it. It’s hard, and it’s a choice. I have to choose submission daily, hourly, and more. But you know what? It’s worth it! Even in the short time I have worked toward this idea, I feel great about it. I am a natural worrywort, and this choice has done a lot to ease my everyday anxieties, because I don’t have to make a lot of worrisome choices. Don’t get me wrong, I make plenty of choices, and my husband will tell anyone that he married me because I am strong and independent. I make plenty of decisions that he doesn’t care about, and I don’t need to ask him for any and every dumb little thing. But we make important choices together, by me giving him my input, and us doing what he thinks is best.

    1. Hi Michele,
      I get what you’re saying about all the decisions. 🙂 I make a boatload of decisions without my husband, because as Godly wives, we are competent and our husbands trust us! But on the bigger matters we come together, talk, share our hearts, opinions, fears, etc. and then the matter is left to him! Thanks for sharing how Biblical Submission is making your marriage better!

  3. It was so special seeing you “in person!” I appreciate all you had to say about submission. My heart is full of praise to my Heavenly Father to see how He has brought you to salvation (I then watched your cardboard testimony.) I can only imagine the stars in your crown He has ready for you. ~Blessings

  4. You did a WONDERFUL job! Thank you for sharing this. My awesome hubby will celebrate our 18 year wedding anniversary this summer. We have 5 beautiful children and we are preparing to build a home on some property we recently bought. The placement of the house, the garage, the barn and the layout of the house and the timing for getting it all built has been something where I am learning a whole new level of submission and tongue biting and gentle reminders of what I want in the house and why I want it and when I want it, and learning to accept God’s timing in it all too! LOL Add homeschooling, a home business, and general life into all of that and it has been *fun* so far 😉 LOL Thanks again for stepping out of your comfort zone for God and the rest of us wives 🙂

  5. Hi Jolene,

    That was an awesome video!! You hit on all the points of godly submission, addressing all the objections that are the typical reasons why wives don’t submit. Clear, well-reasoned, and matter-of-fact, you got much more in than just the written word, I feel. It was helpful to see your tone and mannerisms to get your point across. Also, your husband chose a nice, contrasting background that enhanced your presentation. You were great!! Thank you so much for your ministry to your sisters in the Lord~~

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