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  1. HI neighbor…oh good word…especially for young mom’s…yes…pour it out to our First Bridegroom…then we won’t over expect from our husbands.
    Blessings to you…

  2. So true! I’ve known for years that I need close girlfriends in my life to fill some of the connection time I want to emotionally process. My husband is still trying and making progress, but he knows and I know that it’s different with men. Actually, tonight I’m looking forward to some time with my girlfriends. Yay! Thanks so much for your great wisdom, Jolene. Love your post and blog!

  3. So glad to hear that you will be with your girlfriends tonight, Beth. I was blessed to hear that you enjoyed being in my little corner of the internet. 🙂 May the Lord be glorified.

  4. Yes, Yes, Yes! I have learned that when I have had time to process and I SHARE my heart with my husband he really wants to help me and to take the load off! What a blessing! Thank you for continuing to poor out your heart and sharing your God given wisdom! You are a true blessing!

  5. This made me laugh. Just the other day, I was out with my husband and his male co-workers. I asked my husband if so-and-so was married and he didn’t even know! I told him, “guys don’t know ANYTHING about each other!’ He agreed with me.

  6. Hmm…. you must have been in the car this afternoon when Sue and I had a conversation about this very thing. You’re right – we (men) just want to fix it! 🙂 We’ve gotten to the point (after 35 years of marriage) where I simply ask “Am I fixing or or just listening?”

  7. Hi Mooner,
    Thanks for stopping by!
    35 years of marriage…good for you guys! It’ll be 14 for us next month. I, too, tell my Beloved that I need him to just listen or I need him to help fix my problem when I come to him to talk 🙂 It’s a simple concept and it makes marriage that much more wonderful.
    Good to hear from you friend,

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