christ-centered marriage
Podcast, Wifehood
Should a Wife Follow a Husband Who is Not Spiritually Leading the Home?
Q & A on the blog today… Dear Jolene, A friend of mine has a husband who attends church with her but he is emotionally abusive and he’s an alcoholic. They attend a church that is opening a second campus that the wife wants to start attending. Her husband is refusing to attend the same…
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When Your Spouse Has Sexual Fantasies about Someone Else
Everyday choices can either build a marriage or break it. Personally speaking, if I don’t bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), it won’t take much for my self-centered, flesh-filled thoughts to hijack my mind so I make destructive choices not God-honoring ones. Every human being on the face…
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When You Have a Personality Collision with Your Spouse
Differences in marriage. Every couple has them because there is no such thing as two identical spouses. If it were so, we’d be a bunch of robots. Perhaps what initially attracted you to your spouse has now gotten on your ever-loving last nerve and the two of you are constantly living at odds. One wife’s…
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Is It God’s Will to Be Married to My Husband?
Q & A on the blog today… Dear Jolene, I am newly married to a wonderful (not perfect) man. We have been through a lot together. Sometimes, I worry if he is God’s will for me. The thoughts started small but now, has created anxiety and fear of the unknown in me. I read articles…
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Christ-centered Marriage Goals
I love a New Year. It gives me a fresh start. A clean slate. And a do-over from the previous year (which was a complete heartbreak!) Maybe your prior year was devastating or maybe it was amazing either way, as you move into this coming year, having some goals for your marriage is always a…
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5 Steps to Take When a Husband Acts Like a Jerk
At any given time, I can act real nasty and critical toward my husband. I can snap at him and bite his head off with no problem. Quick-tempered? Um, yeah, unfortunately! Slow to speak? Not so much. My tendencies to lash out at my husband can quickly snuff out our passion and love. And what wife…
Read More Physical Intimacy, Podcast, Wifehood
One Sure Fire Way to Connect with Your Husband
What was it about your man that made you want to marry him? Was it the way he treated you? Was it his commitment to following Christ? Or the companionship the two of you shared? The sparks? Or perhaps the way he made you feel as a woman? I know for me, it was all…
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How to Encourage Your Husband to Attend Church
So you want your man to attend church with you. What wife wouldn’t! But sometimes your guy might be resistant to your efforts. This is what one wife is dealing with in her marriage. Here’s her story… Dear Jolene, Our marriage is completely on the rocks, in the natural. I told my husband I will…
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Top 10 Christ-Centered Marriage Posts of the Year
Recapping this past year, my posts on marriage always brought the most traffic. Some of these posts you’ll find here on and others will be found on my other site, In either case, I’m the writer. 🙂 (I’ll update you soon about the future plans I have for Christian Wife University.) 1.Why Christian…
Read More Singlehood, Wifehood
My Dating and Engaged Story
A few weeks ago, my Beloved and I were asked to speak to a small group of singles regarding dating and marriage. We talked with them about our dating experience and shared how our journey together started. Here’s how our love story began…. (If you can’t view the video in your email, click this link.)…
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