Weekly Marriage Pinterest Party

Coming Soon…A Weekly Marriage Pinterest Party!

I’ve got a new feature starting soon on the blog that I wanted to share with you today!  Beginning June 15, 2013, I will be co-hosting a weekly marriage Pinterest Party with some of my other Christian marriage blogger friends.

Weekly Marriage Pinterest Party

Now, you might be asking yourself, (like I did), what exactly is a weekly Marriage Pinterest Party? 🙂

Every Saturday each co-host of the Pinterest party will have a post with a link up on their site where you’ll be able to go and insert the URL (website address) of your favorite Christian marriage pins from that week.  Doesn’t that sound neat to all of you Pinterest fans?

What’s In It for You if You’re NOT a Blogger?

If you’re not a blogger, you might be asking yourself how this party will benefit you?  Well, you’ll have so many great resources in one blog post!  Myself and the other co-hosts will be doing the work for you!  And you can be used by the Lord!  Maybe having an on-line ministry is not your thing, but perhaps you enjoy Pinterest??  Well, did you know by pinning these Christ-centered marriage resources you’re being used to further the Kingdom of God?  That’s right, my friend!  You’re spreading Truth all over the internet!  Every time you pin one of our pins it’s like you’re a co-laborer in the ministry!  Jesus has need of you to spread the Word, so let’s use social media to bring God glory!

Link Up Rules

What You Can Pin… Any Christian related marriage articles that will encourage and minister to others. It can be your own post, a post from a favorite marriage blogger, or even your own marriage Pinterest board.

What is NOT allowed… No pornographic images or material. Any such links will be deleted and reported.

Who Are The Co-Hosts?

eric and jolene cropped copy 1

Jolene Engle of The Alabaster Jar

Michael & Carlie Kercheval of Fulfilling Your Vows

Sheila Wray Gregoire of To Love, Honor, and Vacuum

See You Saturday, June 15th!

We’re blessed that you’ll journey with us every Saturday to help strengthen marriages- God’s way!  Not to mention all the fun we’ll have on a very addicting social media site!  Oh, for the love of Pinterest!  How did I ever function without you. 🙂

Live a poured out life for Christ,


I’m linking up with:

Happy Wives Club

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Jolene Engle

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