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  1. Having been a reader of your blog for a little while now, I can recognize your “voice” as being straight to the point with a good sense of humor. But don’t worry, the voice that comes in loudest is that of the Lord – that’s why I keep coming back. Thanks for what you do – I always enjoy reading.

  2. I’m lovin’ it, Jolene! That right thar is some GOOD stuff!

    Blessings on you and yours, m’lady!

    Living for Christ day by day…

  3. Hi Jolene – stopping by from Beholding Glory… LOVE THIS POST… especially…
    What if instead of trying to find my voice or use my voice, I seek to use His voice when I write? Would the words that are typed out on this screen be different? More useful?

    Thank you for this… I am going to read over and over this weekend!! Even print it to have up!! Thank you… God Bless you and thank you for always listening to HIS VOICE!!!

  4. This is a wonderful thought provoking and soul searching post….thanks for sharing and giving me something to reflect on…:)

  5. This is great stuff Jolene! We should definitely take the self out of our motives and try to let the Lord use us as His vessels to do His work. I do think, though, that God gives us unique strengths and gifts for the express purpose of doing His work, so even though we should be seeking to be doing God’s work instead of our own, I think God uses both our own unique strengths and weaknesses to convey His message uniquely through each of his wonderously made, original children.

  6. I agree! Less of me and more of Him… let that be my heart’s cry everyday! stopping by from the Faith Filled Friday blog hop 🙂 blessings

  7. I love these heart piercing questions. I too have struggled with the “voice” concept. May all we do be for the glory of God.

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