4 Things You Need to Do Before You Meet Prince Charming
Recently, I’ve had some single women contact me asking if I could write a few posts just for them. Being that most of my readers are married women, I figured that if you’re a mama, you could tuck some of these thoughts away and share them with your daughters when the time is right. And if you’re a boy mama like me, you can share some of these same principles and tweak them for your godly man in training, as well.
Because many of my marriage posts often deal with problems in wedded bliss, I wanted to give these single sisters a head-start so they can lay the proper foundation for their future marriage. God designed marriage to be good. He designed it to be a reflection of the love in which Christ has for the Church but unfortunately many Christian marriages do not reflect that kind of love and it truly breaks my heart.
So what do you think? Shall we encourage these women to have a beautiful start to what could be a glorious marriage? Let’s be Titus 2 women together, so feel free to chime in at the comment section if you have more counsel to give. (And pass this post on to others that might benefit from it.)
4 Things You Need to Do Before You Meet Prince Charming
1. Fall more and more in love with the King of Kings every single day.
Pray for the desire to know Christ more rather than knowing and longing for any other human being. No matter how handsome, kind, successful, or godly Prince Charming may seem to be, he will never measure up to the King. Your heart’s desire should be to feel loved by Jesus Christ first and foremost before you look to fall in love with some man. My encouragement to you would be to spend some time seeking and soaking in the scriptures so you’ll be smitten for Him.
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:16,17
2. Continue to accept yourself and who God has made you to be.
Don’t let the world, or your family, friends, co-workers, past boyfriends, current boyfriends, failures, mistakes, etc. define who you are. Rest in who Christ made you to be.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:18,19
3. Be content during this season of your life.
I realize that as you get older you may feel like life is passing you by because you’re not married yet. Let me tell you something about your plans, sweet sister,…..they can never compare to God’s great plans for your life! Remember who He is friend? He is the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. Submit to His plans for your life and rest assured you will not be disappointed!
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20
4. Don’t wait for your life to begin. Live it now!
Serve Jesus Christ now. He has gifted you with wonderful talents and skills as well as spiritual gifts. Don’t squander this time waiting for your Prince Charming to show up, but rather be intentional about serving the King of Kings. Here’s why: When you set your heart on pleasing the King, a spiritual transformation in you will start to take place. As a result, you will become a godlier Princess. When that happens, the man that Christ has been preparing for you, a.k.a, your Prince Charming, he’ll end up being more godlier then you could’ve ever imagined because your standard of godliness has been raised!
So how does this happen, you might ask? Because you’ve sat at Jesus’ feet learning from Him. You’ve heard His voice. Your spirit is more sensitive. You’ve gained more discernment and you’ve grown in wisdom. All these things have drawn you closer to the Lord and all these things will cause you to not want to settle for second-best! So, while in your singleness, serve the King and live your life, and in doing so, you are being prepared for your future marriage! Isn’t that neat how that works out! Don’t waste your life by pining away waiting for some man to sweep you off your feet, instead, let Jesus sweep you off your feet today and everyday!
Let’s take a lesson from Jesus about this, shall we? Here’s the story in a nutshell: When Jesus was younger His family traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover feast and after it ended the family headed back home. However, Jesus did not go with them, instead He was teaching in the temple. His family soon realized that He was not with the others that were on the road so they went back to Jerusalem to find Him, and this was the conversation that took place:
Now so it was that after three days they (Mary and Joseph) found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Luke 2:46-48
Jesus was intent on pleasing his Father in Heaven. So dear sister, emulate Jesus during your time of singleness and be about your Father’s business too!
Any thoughts on what you’d like to hear next in this series? I’d love for you to share them with me! Leave me a comment below or send me an email (just click the heart in the upper right-hand corner with the little envelop on it.)
Next in the Smitten for Him Single Series,
To Date or Not to Date, That is the Question
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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Linking up with these fine women: Time-Warp Wife, Women Living Well, Deep Roots at Home, We Are That Family, Beholding Glory,
If you have any problems with your own character or behavior, then weed them out before marriage. Don’t think that marriage will make your problems go away or become easier to deal with. It’s like not laying a proper foundation for your house. You will just have to go back and redo it later, and then it will be harder because of having more responsibilities, not easier. Also, water seeks its own level – we’re likely to pick someone who has problems if we have our own. Make it for better – not for worse!
THIS is wonderful!!
Ooh, that is EXCELLENT counsel, Tonya! Yep, that needs to be added to the list. Thanks for sharing this.
Good, good advice! The advice I would give single women is to not allow media, books, etc to create their expectations for marriage because it is always a letdown when you realize that real men and real marriages could never hope to live up to them. For example, many girls are dying for a Twilight-esque relationship and a guy like Edward Cullen and they don’t realize that the kind of relationship modeled there is unhealthy. And even Christian romance novels create this image of a swarthy, perfect always serving, godly man who will fearlessly lead his family into spiritual maturity. Look to Scripture for your model ALWAYS!!
Elizabeth@Warrior Wives
Excellent advice Elizabeth! Sometimes women get so caught up in romantic fantasies portrayed by Hollywood that they are soon disillusioned once they are married. The Truth lived out is always the best role model. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Oh, Jolene, how I wish I had had this advice when I was a teen! My girls are 12, 10, and 6, so I’m definitely tucking this away for future reference. Thank you!
I hear you Meghan! But Christ makes all things new and He can always do a work in our lives if we surrender to Him!
Don’t settle….period. Seek the Lord and don’t stop until you KNOW that this man is THE one God has for YOU! Stoppin by from FFF 🙂 http://www.simplyhelpinghim.com
Love this. Thank you. I will be sharing this with the women that I mentor and work with. Thank you. This is delightful and such a great reminder.
Great advice!
#4 has been key in my singleness. I only learned it in the last six months and it is amazing the work God has done on my heart while I LIVE and not just wait.