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  1. If you have any problems with your own character or behavior, then weed them out before marriage. Don’t think that marriage will make your problems go away or become easier to deal with. It’s like not laying a proper foundation for your house. You will just have to go back and redo it later, and then it will be harder because of having more responsibilities, not easier. Also, water seeks its own level – we’re likely to pick someone who has problems if we have our own. Make it for better – not for worse!

  2. Good, good advice! The advice I would give single women is to not allow media, books, etc to create their expectations for marriage because it is always a letdown when you realize that real men and real marriages could never hope to live up to them. For example, many girls are dying for a Twilight-esque relationship and a guy like Edward Cullen and they don’t realize that the kind of relationship modeled there is unhealthy. And even Christian romance novels create this image of a swarthy, perfect always serving, godly man who will fearlessly lead his family into spiritual maturity. Look to Scripture for your model ALWAYS!!

    Elizabeth@Warrior Wives

    1. Excellent advice Elizabeth! Sometimes women get so caught up in romantic fantasies portrayed by Hollywood that they are soon disillusioned once they are married. The Truth lived out is always the best role model. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. Oh, Jolene, how I wish I had had this advice when I was a teen! My girls are 12, 10, and 6, so I’m definitely tucking this away for future reference. Thank you!

  4. Love this. Thank you. I will be sharing this with the women that I mentor and work with. Thank you. This is delightful and such a great reminder.

  5. #4 has been key in my singleness. I only learned it in the last six months and it is amazing the work God has done on my heart while I LIVE and not just wait.

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