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  1. I want to be the kind of helper that uplifts my husband and bears some of his burden. The kind that points him in the direction of the One who can sustain him and renew his courage. Thank you, Jolene, for always being a beacon of light that illuminates the beauty of marriage!!

  2. Oh, you hit a sore spot with me on this post! I am so frustrated by the messages society sends on how men are all bad and that children don’t need fathers. Arrggghhhh.

    I am thankful for the small army of wives, moms and bloggers who continue to cover this holy ground and give the respect to men they deserve and to spread the word that it takes both husband and wife to make a relationship abundantly strong and satisfying, that the blame of a relationship gone bad does not rest on just one.

    Thanks for sharing at NOBH!

  3. hi jolene!

    just found your blog this morning, & absolutely love your moniker! thank you for this always-timely reminder of who i want to be to my husband — the gracious one, the one who sees Him through the tender eyes of our Father, cheering him on in little victories AND the big ones, & joyfully pouring out grace — lots of it! (b/c i need it at LEAST as much as a wife!!)

    i don’t blog about marriage consistently, so i hope you don’t mind i linked to the first piece that i wrote on marriage, which was on our 15th anniversary several months ago. (and then i’d love to share the other 2 or 3 pieces i’ve written on marriage in the next few weeks!)

    blessings to you & yours,

    p.s. oh my! just caught a glipmse of your short “about jolene” statement — must go read! i have an invisible illness that left me completely incapacitated for close to a year. (you’ll find it on my blog at “the story behind Truth in Weakness,” if interested.) extra, extra blessings to you, dear one!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. This is something the Lord has been working on with me recently. Just this morning, I was thinking about what a huge responsibility my husband has, and wondering if I was inadvertently adding to his burden. Praying the Lord will make me the helpmeet He created me to be, and my husband the man He created him to be.

  5. Hi Jolene! This is my first visit to your site and my first time linking up. I found you on “The Lovely Blog Directory” at Growing Home. Thank you for the link up and I appreciate the great word! I pray to be the encouraging wife that my husband needs (but fail so many times). It makes an obvious difference in my marriage when I take the time to bless him and build him up.

  6. Hi Jolene – firstly, great post! i often have to remind myself about what an awesome husband my God has given me! I also have to remind myself what a tough job he has! Its easier in some ways to be the wife! Secondly i love that quote. i tweeted it a while ago and it has not left me! Truth really has a way of settling in your heart! Thirdly, thank you for your very touching comment on my blog today. I hope you dont mind my tweeting/facebooking: “You are beautiful in His eyes and His eyes are the only ones that matter.” what a beautiful and eye-opening statement. God bless precious friend

  7. Hi Kim,
    I have that sore spot as well! It is neat to see so many women on the internet covering this topic…until the whole internet hears, is how I feel!

  8. Hi Becky,
    Welcome to The Alabaster Jar! So glad to have you sharing here.
    All wives fail as do our husbands…but Jesus never does! It is through His strength that we are transformed.

  9. Hi Tracy,
    I sometimes think it is easier to be the wife as well! I think we got the better end of the deal.
    Glad you liked the quote and no I never mind when someone wants to encourage another in the Lord based on what I’ve shared!

  10. Hmmm, I “stumbled” upon your site today and I so needed this. We are right in the middle of a major decision in our life and I needed this reminder. It is so to get caught up in the emotion and I ultimately want to support and lift my husband up. Thank you so much for your post and Thank you Lord for
    Leading me here today.

  11. What a fantastic post. I loved it! May I have your permission to share it at our Women’s Retreat in May? I will be teaching on respect and submission and I think this would be a wonderful tie in. I do realize that “No” is an acceptable answer to my request, but thank you either way for the wonderful, thought provoking post.

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