overcame my past mm

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  1. Jolene- I loved and needed to hear this radio podcast. I feel the same way as you and your reader. I am haunted by my past and am now engaged to a man more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. No matter how many time he tells me that he forgives me and the Lord forgives me for my past, I can’t help the guilty feeling. Your podcast today truly put everything in perspective. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. -Jillie

  2. Oh, wow.
    This was exactly what I have needed for so long. Thank you for giving me this gift.

    I am about to be engaged to the most wonderful man in the whole world. He is hard working, respectful, Christ-loving, affectionate, and enough of a dork to be my soulmate.

    He is so much of a blessing, that I feel unworthy. I feel dirty and damaged, and like he will be disappointed in me.

    I also did not wait for HIM to give my virginity to, in fact, I have been with several men in my past before I came to Christ. I am from an abusive family, and he has held my hand and CHERISHED me through much of that hurt. He showed me what it is to love like Christ. He has forgiven me for my past, and tells me how much he loves me every day.

    Except… when he makes it clear how much he loves me, and assures me that he could NEVER be disappointed with me as his wife, I feel GUILTY. Instead of being grateful and thanking God for the gift of my future husband, I feel awful that someone as beautiful as him could get stuck with the likes of me.

    Thank you for this podcast. My guilt, my disgrace, my sin… when I keep revisiting it, I am forcing Jesus’s sacrifice over and over again. And when I discredit myself, I disparage the woman that my man loves so much.
    This has been such a wake up call. I have never thought of it from this perspective. And as usual, I see that I have let myself be tricked by Satan. Again.
    (That jerk-face!!!! Grr!! =P )

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


  3. This struggle has been coming up for me as my fiance and I try to decide on the readings for our wedding service, where the scripture mentions chaste and modest women. My wonderful fiance tells me my soul is all these good things and that that is what matters, but it is still so hard. Listening to this was very helpful. No surprise there, though, since it was Jolene’s blog that inspired me to seek the Lord, and by extension improved my relationship with my then-boyfriend, and made us both improve as individuals (especially him– he is so wonderful now!), leading us to get engaged! Hard to feel bad anymore when I remember all that. Thank you, Jolene & Eric!

    1. How wonderful to hear that what I shared here blessed you, Lisa. To God be the glory! We’re all a work in progress and we have a wonderful and gracious God who is so patient with us!

  4. Hi Jolene,
    Thank you so much for this post. I was feeling exactly the same about my past as you described – so this is very encouraging. I have a question – I am in a courtship with a GREAT Christian guy and we are not engaged yet but are very serious and intentional. He knows my testimony in that I used to live an immoral lifestyle before I came to Christ but I never told him the details of that immoral lifestyle, (sleeping around etc.) is this something you recommend I should bring up with him???

    1. I never shared the details with Eric. He could figure out the sin without me going into all of the specifics. I wasn’t hiding anything, but I also wanted to protect him in a sense from my past. My question to you would be, “do you think if you share all the details that it’ll strengthening your relationship or would it just give the enemy an opportunity to tear your relationship down? And if he had a past, would you want to know all the details?

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