10 Things that Are God’s Will for Marriage
Living in the center of God’s will is sometimes a mystery to the believer so I thought this little guide would give you some direction as you head into the new year as a wife!
Follow me over to Christian Wife University where you can read these 10 very important things that will change your marriage in 2015! Click here.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
June the 5th will be 5 years for me since I’ve been married unfortunately my husband is not perfect I am a Christian so is my husband but he does things sometimes that I don’t understand you also has other children all together my husband has seven children one with me and three with His first wife that left him for a other men. And he als Have 2 more with a other women this woman was his fiance before I got in the picture then he left herbecause she was interested in woman and men and he didn’t want the type of lifestyle he saidyour son has another son that he had another woman in the city so listen then a few years I met him at church said he wanted to change his life start off fresh took me awhile to get around because I had a problem with trusting and they still do unfortunately the only man I love more than my husband is Jesus my God my Savior my provider my everything . my question to you is did I make the right choice I don’t want to have any doubts but it’s kind of hard being with somebody to have so many kids I am 38 my husband is 53 or Sun is for my older daughter that I have with her father passed away is 18 and she’s in college home college she was leaving soon going to New York City to become a fashion designer why is marriage so difficult?
Hi Nadine,
I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. Turn to Christ, rely on Him and His plans for your marriage. Don’t let the Enemy fill you with doubts because they are not God-honoring.