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  1. Wonderful suggestions. I follow you by email and really enjoy all your writing and tips! Thanks so much for all you do to share the word of God.

  2. Amazing as always!!!! I’m really sad today that this is the end of the 31 Days To a Better Marraige. But I have all of them in my email to cherish forever! These have all helped so much and I appreciate you doing this series and all the other ones you do. This one has been so important to me because my husband means the world to me. Thank you so much!!!


  3. Hello Jolene, it’s lovely to hear from you after 31 days. I really loved following your series on 31 days to a better marriage. For the first time in my life I came to know the blessing of a marriage. Coming from Godly women who themselves have experienced what they write on. I felt like it was a training, both emotionally and spiritually. It was like I was physically present at a conference of these ladies. This has really helped me more than you’d ever imagine. Keep up the good work ladies, and Jolene may the Lord bless you and your family abundantly

    1. It’s good to be back, Andrea! How awesome to hear that God met you through this series and you now feel equipped in your role as a wife! God knows what we need, we just need to be faithful as we wait on Him.

  4. Great tips!

    I’ve really enjoyed your 31 Days to a Better Marriage series. Thanks so much for hosting & posting!

    Blessings, Joan

  5. Hi! Thanks so much for this awesome series! This has helped me so much, and I now have so many resources for helping me be the wife/mother God has destined for me to be! Thanks to all the authors for being real, and genuine! A lot of times people want to hide behind a mask of a perfect marriage, but if we’d all just get real with each other, we wouldn’t feel so isolated when our own marriage feels everything but perfect! This has honestly helped me feel like I am not alone, and that it’s more normal for marriage to be hard, than it is for it to be perfect! Thanks again!

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