An intentional Christ centered Christmas begins with me

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  1. As I learned over the years from my previous priest (pastor) …keep Christmas Simple !
    You write 5 Christmas cards/day and by the time the week of Christmas comes for mailing them, you are done! Instead of getting writer’s cramps all in 1 or 2 nights. Bake just for those
    that have truly done something for you over the year in your life ! Cut back on gift giving. family only. (I don’t buy gifts for girlfriends anymore that I lunch with, we all know/love each other – we don’t need gifts to prove that!) In the family, our family TRADITION for years has been everyone only gets 3 gifts (just like the 3 wisemen came and gave Jesus gifts, growing up, we got (1) piece of cloths, (1) pair of PJs (with the feet in them!), and a toy. We still do the same and so does my siblings. Now in this economic situation too, who can afford tons of gifts ? It is crazy. Keep it simple. Same with decorating your home, and outside, pick what you really want out there: nativity scene, a wreath, and door display or window display and that’s it! Sharing the SIMPLENESS of CHRISTMAS with all. We must all remember Jesus is the reason for the season, the BIRTH OF CHRIST. Go to church with family and friends too. That is most important. Opening gifts can be done later in the afternoon with a good meal, get those crock pots out, and reheat that way …it makes the woman’s life easier too with cooking!

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