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  1. I’m having goosebumps reading your story.. God is truly amazing! We had been going through some tough time for so long and now we’re at the end of the tunnel and starting to breathe. But in the next few months, I know it’s going to be a tough time for Hubby and I again but I know that God is in control. My sister used to tell me, “Where God leads, God feeds.” I am certain where God led us to go, He will supply our needs!

    This morning I was reading on 2 COr 12:9. It’s so refreshing to know that we have a God to cling on.. =D

    Praise God for His unending supply of love and provision =)

  2. I love stories like that, of how God provides at the last minute in incredible ways (have a few of my own, too! 🙂 And if we didn’t have any trials, we’d never get to experience their wonder. Just one reason trials are good — out of many.

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