live intentionally

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  1. This has been a challenging (in a good way) 22 days for me! I feel that my husband and I have a good (maybe even great) marriage but I have been finding, as I read these posts, that there is a lot I need to change/improve/release in myself. I’ve given apologies, challenged some attitudes, confessed some biternesses etc….
    I’m looking forward to using the app from today’s post.

    1. Viv,
      I’m so glad this series has challenged you even in a really good marriage. It just goes to show that we never stop growing our marriage.

  2. I think intentionally carry your spouse in your heart every day is important! With the busy lives that we live and all the crazy things that go on around us on a daily basis this is a must! Also, with couples working long hours or traveling without each other.
    Thank you for this post!

    1. Cassie,
      I’m so glad you mentioned the importance of being intentional when one is traveling! We agree completely, having been forced to be apart from time to time. It makes coming back home that much sweeter!

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