Marital Oneness Mondays
Sex, money, and in-laws are the common things that couples fight over, and many marriages today are either crumbling or the husband and wife are living parallel lives under one roof. Yet, that is not the type of marriage that God intended for His children.
I am passionate about marriage and that is why I am starting a weekly link-up! If you are a blogger and you write about marriage- anything that ministers to your man, whether it be related to homemaking, creative dates, or insights from the Lord, please link up your post here each Monday.
Let’s make an impact on the world today by truly having a ‘oneness’ marriage; the type of marriage that God intended.
Starting next Monday, February 27th
Marital Oneness Mondays
So next week, come by this community and encourage, equip, and inspire others in their marriage by linking up your posts.
Please do me a sweet favor as well. Can you spread the word about this new link-up with your friends? Your help is appreciated. ♥
If you’re not a blogger and you would like to have a better marriage, we would love to have you join us each Monday to read more on this blessed union.
Live a poured out life for the Master,
Did you enjoy reading The Alabaster Jar?
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I am linked up with:
Growing Home, Far Above Rubies, Women Living Well, Time-Warp Wife, A Holy Experience, Wifey Wednesdays, Deep Roots at Home, Proverbs 31 Thursdays
love it!