One Sure Fire Way to Connect with Your Husband
What was it about your man that made you want to marry him?
Was it the way he treated you?
Was it his commitment to following Christ?
Or the companionship the two of you shared?
The sparks?
Or perhaps the way he made you feel as a woman?
I know for me, it was all of the above. In fact, I always wanted to be around Eric, which is why I said yes to being his wife. But then something like life happens and well, life is hard. So many things can pull us apart, like children, friends, responsibilities, children, demanding jobs, trials, family, and let’s not forget, our children. Then we wonder why we’re not as close to our guy like we once were. Maybe this is where you’re at in your marriage? If you want to connect with your guy and draw closer to him, listen to this episode of The Marriage Mentor Podcast.
Click below to listen.
Scripture Reference:
Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Prov. 5:18-19
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Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
This sounds just like the real way my husband treat’s me like he doesn’t care or really doesn’t know how to treat me his wife he doesn’t want me to ssa anything about the way I feel and he likes to tell me about the Bible says about how the wife is supposed to treat the husband everything about me don’t come or is last after am so upset with him he have even told me that a marriage is a contract between two people lots of times I just want to be by myself because I believe that you let à person treat you
Hi Velma, I’m so sorry for how your husband is treating you. Wives need to focus on themselves making sure their actions and attitudes honor God. And husbands need to focus on themselves (not their wives) making sure their actions and attitudes honor God.
Thank you for your podcasts. This one is right on the money! You two are so cute! Thank you for your ministry!!
Signed: A happy wife who is married to a very happy husband 🙂
Aww, thanks Deborah. Glad to hear you are a happy wife with a happy husband. To God be the glory!
To me, physical intimacy is just one of the ways for a woman to connect with her husband and it shouldn’t be viewed as the only way. A woman will not be able to know much about her husband through physical acts, and vice versa, as this is only a means for fun and pleasure. It is wiser to think that doing an activity together can help a couple to bond emotionally and spiritually. For example, attending a biblical marriage conference, or maybe signing up for leather workshops. I would encourage any Christian woman to go all way out to learn of her husband’s way of doing things as well as his leadership style so that she can be his perfect helpmate and soulmate. Always aim for perfection, it’s not a hard thing to achieve though it takes hard work. And I think it takes wisdom for a woman to connect with her husband, for wisdom surpasses all knowledge and understanding. Pray daily for wisdom and the Lord will give.