10 ways leadership part 1

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  1. Don’t you love how the Lord redeems our hurt and broken places and uses them to bless and minister to others? Such a promise to know that the difficult times in our lives aren’t wasted.

    After I posted it occurred to me that my post isn’t exactly a marriage post. I mean, it’s more about how we women try to change ourselves by our actions instead of trusting the Lord to change our hearts. Our actions will change when our hearts change. So if you need to delete it, I understand! Thank you for hosting today!

  2. You and I think a lot alike – my husband always encourages other men to be good GARDENERS. I love that you use that too. Love your stories 😉

  3. I’ve heard it said that in every marriage, one plays the part of a gardener and the other the party of the flowering plant. I like your idea much better — that we can each help the other to blossom! Thanks for the great post & for hosting, & God bless!

  4. LOVE this post! Took me far too long to make this realization myself, and the change in our family life was astounding once I took responsibility for my job as wife in building him up, rather than focusing on what he did wrong, and thusly tearing him down. Our marriage changed, our parenting changed, our lives completely changed! it was amazing what the Holy Spirit can do when he gets ahold of your heart!

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