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  1. I have definitely been battling those fears recently. As I was just coloring my hair, I was singing “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” It hit me…I am commanded not to be anxious! I must trust God in all circumstances and wait upon Him. It isn’t always easy but it is something we must continually try to do since it pleases our Lord.

  2. Thanks! I needed this. Not only the encouragement but to know that I am not alone in this struggle. Thank you!

  3. Jolene, love this post especially the part where you say “we need to follow the Son so we can have a vibrant, peace-filled life in order to thrive in spite of our circumstances”. So true! We can easily make a habit of fear and anxiety. We don’t have the power to break habits or addictions by ourselves. We need the Son! Thanks for reminding us of this important truth today 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for the post . I have been dealing with anxiety a lot lately and have been trying to use scripture for help. It is nice to know there are women that understand.

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