On the Path to a Better Marriage
Our series to a better marriage is starting Tuesday and I can’t wait to see all that God is going to do amongst the lives of His daughters! Based on all of the social media activity, this has become one popular series and it hasn’t even started yet! Quite frankly, I’ve been pretty blown away by the response that I’m hearing from wives all around the world, but I guess in essence we are all hungry for a better marriage, right? 🙂
I know God is going to meet you in a mighty way and I’m so excited to have you join me and my sweet blogging friends who are contributing writers, but before we begin the series, I wanted to give you a few tips so you’re on the path to a better marriage.
Now I wish I could give you a formula on how to have a perfect marriage, but I can’t because a perfect marriage doesn’t exist! However, each article that is written will either encourage you, equip you, affirm you, challenge you, or inspire you in your role as a Godly wife, hence how the journey to a better marriage begins.
My encouragement to you is to try to glean something from each post written even if the writer’s specific situation does not apply to your specific circumstance. For example: maybe you haven’t dealt with adultery but you have dealt with your husband breaking your trust in some way, or maybe you haven’t experienced the loss of a child but you’ve experienced a form of loss in your marriage. See if you can apply some of the principles and lessons shared to your own life.
Our circumstances will never be exactly the same but we do share a common ground; we’re Christian wives desiring to have a better marriage, we all face trials, and Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior! And sometimes it’s just nice to know we are not alone in our struggles. 🙂
I pray this series will deeply minister to your heart and cause you to draw closer to Jesus Christ and to your husband.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Need some encouragement and guidance in your marriage? Grab my latest book, Wives of the Bible: 25 Easy Lessons You Can Learn from these Imperfect Women that Will Radically Transform Your Marriage.
I am so blessed to be part of this. I am praying now Jolene, that God bring those women who truly need this. I was one among them. I came and I got changed forever!!!
That’s what our God does, Sunu! 🙂
How do I become apart of this series. This would mean the world to me to do this series with ya’ll. I am struggling with raw emotions after getting off of 10 years worth of hard core medications for chronic illnesses and I am not doing well with these emotions. I am doing a Bible Study, Unglued by Lisa T but have just started it. Anything I can do to make our Marraige better is so very important to me. Will it come through my email? Do I need to sign up somewhere? I just want to make sure I do not miss out on this!!!
Heather, the posts will come to your email everyday. If you’ve subscribed to my site, then you’re good to go!
I wish I had known about this series. I would have loved to have been a part of it. I write marriage posts every Wednesday. I look forward to reading what you ladies have written though!!
Jolene…I am truly humbled to be a part of such an incredible project to grow marriages unto the glory of God. I will be praying over this series and the women who come to be moved and blessed abundantly. To God be the glory.
Naomi, this project was ALL the Lord’s idea! Your prayers for this series is so appreciated.
Good is at work here… I ran across this at a crucial time in my marriage. I have hurt my husband deeply. I have let “life” take priority in our marriage… I pray this gives me wisdom and strength to help heal my marriage.
Help me my husband has left my for the 3rd time. . Still believe somehow God Will restore our marriage.