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  1. I am so blessed to be part of this. I am praying now Jolene, that God bring those women who truly need this. I was one among them. I came and I got changed forever!!!

  2. How do I become apart of this series. This would mean the world to me to do this series with ya’ll. I am struggling with raw emotions after getting off of 10 years worth of hard core medications for chronic illnesses and I am not doing well with these emotions. I am doing a Bible Study, Unglued by Lisa T but have just started it. Anything I can do to make our Marraige better is so very important to me. Will it come through my email? Do I need to sign up somewhere? I just want to make sure I do not miss out on this!!!

  3. I wish I had known about this series. I would have loved to have been a part of it. I write marriage posts every Wednesday. I look forward to reading what you ladies have written though!!

  4. Jolene…I am truly humbled to be a part of such an incredible project to grow marriages unto the glory of God. I will be praying over this series and the women who come to be moved and blessed abundantly. To God be the glory.

  5. Good is at work here… I ran across this at a crucial time in my marriage. I have hurt my husband deeply. I have let “life” take priority in our marriage… I pray this gives me wisdom and strength to help heal my marriage.

  6. Help me my husband has left my for the 3rd time. . Still believe somehow God Will restore our marriage.

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