My Husband Wants Me to Dress Like a Porn Star1

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  1. I’m wondering if this sweet lady attends a church that practices Biblical church discipline. If so, she could pursue that avenue should sharing her heart with him not suffice. She is not alone…..there are countless other women out here who have experienced the effects of pornography in their marriages.

    Praying for her,

  2. There so many resources out there to help in over coming addictions. Your local book store will have books to help, you can find information online, there are even therapists who specialize in addictive behaviors. Try removing any porn from your home, put parental controls on the computer, toss out any of the lingerie you are not comfortable with. In a loving and kind way explain that you find this hurtful and degrading and you aren’t going to participate in it. Try making notes for your conversation so you don’t lose your thoughts if you get emotional. And let him see you cry, maybe it will show him how much this hurts you.

    Jolene, I am learning so much from you! This has been an ongoing conversation with a friend of mine, you have shed so much light on things for me.

  3. It’s not worth putting yourself under that kind of stress and degrading kind of action to be intimate with your husband. I know, I’ve been in the same spot. Porn is so fake, it’s impossible to EVER measure up!! I completely applaud her trying to please her husband, but he does not have the right motive in her heart & it is making her consent to sin … Which is not pleasing to God no matter what, I’m sorry. I feel like when my husband pushes me away from God, my faith is to God first. It’s something she also can pray about consistently. I will pray for her as well and her husband bc God can work wonders in his heart, more so than she can even.

  4. Some people seem to think that watching porn as a couple is okay. They think porn is only a problem if it is done instead of marital intimacy and that using it as a couple is fine. However, one problem with adding porn to your sex life is that you are effectively introducing a third party into your marriage. Sex is supposed to be sexual intimacy between only two people – the husband and wife. When you watch others and mimic them, you are introducing those other people into your marriage bed. That’s not okay. Sex should be about you and your spouse, not about what anybody else does.

    Sex is not just about the physical acts and making things feel good, although those are a part of it. But if you focus only on the physical, sex becomes just a mechanical thing. It’s two people scratching mututal itch. Sex is meant to be so much more than that. And sex is only what God designed it to be when it is kept only between a husband and wife and involves who they are as people, not just what they do with their bodies. It’s about commitment and total intimacy – physical, emotional, and spiritual – a merging of two people to become one. That’s God’s plan for sex. Anything else is a cheap counterfeit.

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