awesome marriage copy

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  1. What an inspirational blog post! Marriage gets such a bad wrap these days, to know that your son thinks it’s awesome is great news, and a wonderful example of parenting by you and your husband.

  2. To steal your son’s word, what an “awesome” thing to have your child say and what a reflection on your own marriage. And since you didn’t learn it growing up, it gives hope to everyone who had bad examples that they don’t need to follow suit.
    Bless you, friend!

    1. Thanks Gail. You’re right about not needing to follow suit of bad examples. If we just follow Jesus He’ll give us what we need and direct our paths.

  3. Thank you for this post! It warms my heart to see other women who view biblical marriage as ‘awesome’ =)

    My husband & I have been intentionally working on our marriage over the past few weeks and things have been better than ever. We got pregnant 3 months after our wedding & have just realized that while we LOVE being parents and feel called to do so, we were putting being parents before being husband/wife! We never really got to enjoy just being married!!

    I will definitely be sharing this post!

    The Faithful & Frugal Fashionista

    1. So glad this post blessed you, Molly! And it’s wonderful to hear that your marriage is thriving because the two of you have been intentional!

  4. Marriage is a constant reminder of our need for grace and need to extend grace as the brokenness of two people presses against each other. Thanks for sharing your story.

  5. What a great post πŸ™‚ Great ideas. Certain things that we do to keep our marriage strong are dating – we still date πŸ™‚ A sense of humor, compromising and forgive, forgive, forgive – Life’s to short to hold a stupid grudge πŸ™‚ Love my man of 29 years πŸ™‚

  6. I really loved what you had to say about seeing the best in your man and putting your relationship with him second after your relationship with the Lord, but above everything else. Thank you for the good reminder and encouragement! I follow you on pinterest, keep up the good work and posts! I’ve been married 8 months and really love the wisdom for my new marriage. πŸ™‚

  7. Our children are watching us and see the good and the bad. What a blessing your son could look past your imperfections to say such a wonderful thing about marriage.

    Thanks for hosting the party this week!!

  8. LOVE your son’s response! That is our hope for our own children (if we’re ever blessed with our own) is they would look at our marriage and how much fun we have (not to mention how much we adore and support each other) and desire to get married and replicate what they’ve seen.

  9. Thanks for the inspiring blog post, oftentimes we strive to make our marital relationship better. I agree to the reflection that you see regarding marriage and when we get married, we want what is best. Your 13 year son has been blessed to have such a wonderful family that’s why he has a positive approach in the idea of getting married. It might not be that perfect marriage but it’s a marriage that is perfect for us πŸ™‚

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